Oyster’s Shell Healing From A Breakup

The Oyster's Shell

Inside The Oyster's Shell, Turning Pain Into Pearls

As a post divorce coach, my mission is to guide women hurting from a breakup from being at rock bottom to being their rock stars. Leveraging that pain will shift your outlook and change your life. You’ll also gain an understanding of how your pain can be used to make your next relationship your best relationship.

It was my pain that I used as a solid foundation and reinvented myself and built the life I was always dreaming about. In it, I discovered my purpose in life along the way. Trust me, you are not alone, you are understood, shown compassion without judgment, and supported through wisdom, experience, and science-backed studies.

The Oyster's Shell Process

Turning Pain into Pearls

Pain is a foundation that shouldn’t be wasted. This is a journey that will use your pain as the solid foundation to transform your life into something beautiful. Oyster’s Shell healing from breakup process shifts where you are by leveraging you to gain inner strength, see yourself as worthy, trust your decisions, lose who you were, and embrace who you are while feeling safe, heard, and understood.

Oyster's Shell Healing From a Breakup


Healing From A Breakup Change of Outlook

Do you keep finding yourself coming out of relationships with negative feelings and wondering if there may be some truth to what your ex-partner(s) has said about you? You can stop feeling as though you’re never going to be in a healthy, loving relationship because you keep choosing the same type of person again and again.

You will use mindfulness, meditation, affirmations, journaling, and powerfully deep exercises that each builds upon the other, to help you manage the work you’re about to do. You’ll learn how to get better at feeling, revitalizing, and reconnecting with your deepest and truest self. You can attract the right person once and for all.

The key is finding the behavior patterns, aligning what you do with what you say, and the action you take. Removing what will not create the life you dream about.

What patterns do you see in every relationship?

Healing Your Heart

Focusing on Self Love

In order to reach the level where you can love fully and give freely to the right person, you must face your pain.

Remember that healing does not come through avoidance. Using The Oyster’s Shell healing from a breakup process will guide you. A healed heart feels worthy of love and aligns the mind with the belief you deserve to be loved without conditions.

Building emotional strength removes self-judgment and blame, so you can experience confidence and self-love.

Learn how to use the lessons that past relationships taught you to avoid dead-end relationships in the future.

What are you struggling to let go of?


Letting Go To Heal Your Heart

Letting go is tough. But it gets easier as you discover it’s an inside job and happens when you let go of wanting answers to questions that create more questions.

It’s in your relationships that you will find the key to your emotional health. No relationship will ever be healthy if one partner is emotionally unwell.

Allow the dead-end to be just that and honor where you are right now by focusing on whom you will become during this phase of your transformation.

Focus on your game plan to fight through urges to make contact of any kind.

What are the benefits of leaving parts of this chapter open?


Finding Peace in Forgiveness

There are misconceptions about forgiveness that include accepting the behaviors and actions of those who hurt you. Not true. It is not necessary to accept anyone’s bad behavior or hurtful actions.

Forgiveness is a powerful form of deliberately releasing feelings of vengeance and bitterness towards another person. You’ll uncover areas where you will need to practice self-forgiveness as well.

The power of forgiveness gives you the freedom to control how you think, heal, and internalize feelings that once held you back by creating an internal battle with your inner critic.

How will you handle the emotional storms that show up through unforgiveness?


Breaking Through The BreakUp

Breakthrough awareness, fear, resistance, inner love, self-acceptance, and confidence. It feels good to see yourself take notice of the new you.

Your emotional space improves as you bring new energy into that area.

The feelings you had that lowered your confidence, crushed your self-esteem, and made you question your identity, are replaced by feelings of higher confidence, self-esteem, and self-love.

You no longer feel invisible, forgotten, lonely, and empty.

You love the feeling of wholeness because it encompasses the essence that makes up the core of who you are.

What does the best version of you look like?


Getting Back Into Relationship

You can follow the step-by-step guide to creating a winning dating profile.

Date with a sense of purpose and boundaries leading to better experiences.

Your values and qualities can truly align with a great match who energetically brings out the best in you.

The connection will unfold in the space you are holding for this person so that you feel safe, secure, and special.

No more fumbling and scaring off any second date potentials, and also know when a second date is not a good idea.

What qualities and values are you looking for in the person you date?


Oyster's Shell Healing From Breakup Completed

The mirror is showing the version of you that you didn’t know how to see.

Wholeness, where you once saw brokenness.

Confidence, where you once questioned if you were good enough.

The mirror no longer holds a reflection of your past, but the image of your future.

The world is your oyster…you can proudly show what you created from your pain.

What has it taken you years to be able to say to yourself?

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