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Social Media After a Breakup


Breakups are always hard, but how do you handle social media after a breakup? You know that social media has the potential to make things worse, but it also could help you through this tough time. Here are some dos and don’ts when it comes to using social media.

Do share your feelings.

You cannot hide your feelings forever. At some point, you must let them out. It is ok to feel sad or angry about the breakup. You might even want to talk about how you feel (with a therapist, friend, or family member). Don’t be afraid of letting people know how you feel; they will understand and support your journey through this challenging time in your life. If there is one thing, we have learned from social media over the years it is that keeping things inside does not make them go away–in fact, it makes things worse!

Don’t be afraid of asking for help if needed; whether it’s emotional support from friends/family members or professional therapy services such as those provided by BetterHelp that provide licensed counselors over video chat sessions so users don’t have travel far distances just because they’re having trouble coping with an emotional situation like breakups with exes who cheated on them before leaving town without saying goodbye first.

Do take time to grieve.

When you are going through a breakup, it is important to take time to grieve. Don’t rush into a new relationship, friendship, or job right away. Don’t rush into starting a hobby or buying a house either. The point here is that we all need time to heal and move on from our pasts before we can embrace new things in the future.

Do not post anything that is not true to you.

Your breakup is an emotional time, and it is tempting to want to express your feelings through social media. But before you do that, ask yourself if what you are posting is true to you? If it is not–if it is something that does not reflect who you are now or how you feel–don’t post it.

Woman on Social Media

Do stay positive and upbeat.

You may be tempted to post things that are sad, angry, or even depressing. But don’t do it! You will only make yourself feel worse by constantly reminding yourself of what you are missing. Instead, focus on being positive and upbeat throughout the process of moving on from your ex-partner.

You can still share funny memes or inspirational quotes with your followers if they make you smile or laugh–this will help keep them updated while also keeping their spirits high as they try not to get sucked into your self-pity pit!

Do post pictures of your new life and new friends.

After a breakup, it is important to show your new life and new friends. Posting pictures of your ex is a no-no. Your social media profile is not the place for photos of them with other people or in romantic situations. If you want to remember the good times, keep those memories private.

Do not rush into another relationship too fast.

When you are in the aftermath of a breakup, it can be tempting to rush into another relationship. You may feel like you need someone else to get over your ex and feel better about yourself. But before doing so, consider taking some time for yourself first. Get out of the house or go on vacation with friends–go somewhere away from all the reminders of your ex! Take this opportunity as an opportunity for self-care and healing; allow yourself the space necessary so that when (and if) another relationship comes along later, there is no rush because it feels right at that moment instead of being forced upon by circumstance or desperation.

If all else fails don’t worry about what other people think about how long, it takes for you to get over someone who was not good enough anyway…

It is important to trust yourself, do what feels right and be patient with yourself during a breakup.

In the event of a breakup, it is important to trust yourself, do what feels right and be patient with yourself during this time. Don’t rush into another relationship just because you want someone to comfort you or because they seem like they could be good for you. You are your own person and deserve to be happy on your own terms.

Do not post anything that is not true to who you are or how you feel at the moment; do not say things just because everyone else is saying them too or because being sad or angry makes other people uncomfortable (and also makes them less likely to want to hang out). Do not share too much information about what happened between the two of you unless asked directly by friends/family members; sometimes talking about things actually makes them worse instead of better! Also remember don’t post photos of your ex unless he/she specifically asks first (or if there has been some sort of newsworthy reason behind why those photos even came out onto social media in first place). It might seem tempting but resist temptation–the last thing anyone needs right now is more drama surrounding their relationship status!

Finally…do not ever post anything negative about anyone else online (especially when said person is not even following back yet).

So, how are you going to handle your social media after a breakup?

In the end, it is important to trust yourself and do what feels right. You cannot rush a breakup or force yourself into another relationship too fast. You should take time to grieve and heal before moving forward with your life–and that includes social media!

If you need further help I’m here to walk you through the pain and heartbreak.  I offer several solutions to overcoming this time in your life and growing from the experience.  Be sure to check out our Oyster’s Shell – Turing Pain to Pearls. 

Healing Heartbreak Coach Deborah Houston with Pain into Pearls a healing guide to Heartbreak for women through Inner Perspective Coaching

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